The ancient Chinese proverb translates into the following timeless lesson: It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. Clearly, knowledge is gained with consistent study and research. However, when it comes to geological firms and finding the right geologist, experience is a necessity. In a similar manner of thinking, the famous English poet John Keats affirmed that “nothing becomes real until it is experienced”. Years of postgraduate study in the field of plate tectonics, liquefaction, and general earth sciences constitutes nothing without actual experience.
The patient undergoing open-heart surgery will take more comfort knowing their surgeon has performed countless operations. A boxer who has knocked out their opponent in an earlier bout will have more confidence in the ring. A client that works with an experienced earth sciences firm will not only save time and money, but will be provided with a lasting solution. The great Julius Caesar once said that experience is the teacher of all things. This could not be truer with geological solutions.
When it comes to experience, the G3SoilWorks team is second to none. President of G3 and co‑creator of the G3Method Larry Fanning has over thirty years of experience in some of the most prestigious placements in the industry. He has acted as a subject matter expert (SME) for the California Board of Registration for Geologists and Geophysicists, and was a governor‑appointed board member of the State Mining and Geology Board. Larry is an unparalleled master of land acquisition, due diligence, hillside grading, resource remediation, utility trench work, forensics, earthwork performance, chemical evaluations, contaminant migration modeling, and groundwater (to name a few). The California State Governor tasked Larry to investigate the cause of the I-10 Freeway collapse during the Northridge earthquake, in which he led his team to remarkable findings. Steve Strickler, CEO and Founder of G3SoilWorks, has an equal amount of experience spanning diverse landscapes all around the world, which gives him a unique edge approaching each project with familiarity. Steve specializes in forensics, materials, slope stability and repair, land planning, and overall site assessments. He was a lead Geotechnical Engineer on the construction of South Orange County’s 73 Toll Road and is registered as a California Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, nuclear density gauge operator and registered Environmental Assessor. The whole of the G3 team has an additional varied and wide range of experience.
If there is any veracity in Einstein’s famous line “The only true source of knowledge is experience”, then the team at G3SoilWorks is uniquely knowledgeable. Experience is an attribute where if abundant in a firm, will transform the value of a geologist from a luxury, to an absolute necessity. To learn more about the G3 team and their G3 Method, or to learn more about how they can provide solutions for your projects, contact us online or call us today at 714.668.5600.
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G3SoilWorks – a full service geotechnical / engineering geologic consulting firm, is pleased to reach our third year. It has come with many interesting clients, assignments and obstacles.
350 Fischer Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel. 714.668.5600