Why Is Soil Testing Important?

July, 31 2019

Soil testing is an effective way to preemptively learn about soil behavior and potential soil issues that may arise on your property. It is especially important to have soil testing conducted by licensed soil engineers if you are planning to build structures and improvements on a property.

A soil engineer and testing expert can advise you and deliver a soil report to you in the event that you are looking to prepare plans for construction and permitting. Soil testing consultants provide a valuable service for anyone looking to invest in a large area of land. This testing can help you to identify key constraints to development caused by soil problems and to provide a basis for offering solutions that are able to prevent such issues.

Soil testing consultants typically work independently and you can rely on your builder or architect to provide a recommendation for a soil engineer and testing expert. If you are already familiar with a group of soil testing consultants, it is possible to contract with them directly after you confirm that they hold the proper credentials and experience required by the State of California.

What can a soil consultant do for you?

A soil engineer is able to look at soil stratigraphy and perform suitable exploration and laboratory testing suitable for engineering analyses and identification of Risk associated with future building. They are especially helpful in difficult sloping terrain where slope stability issues arise.

They are also used to identify current soil conditions relative to slope and building distress and if a mitigation plan is necessary for repairs or future use.  Soil engineers are able to direct you to the right professionals who can then mitigate or deal with any issues that are discovered. Soil consultants are necessary for an area that is susceptible to earthquakes or mudslides or any other phenomenon that can negatively impact a development or structure.

Do I Need to Test My Soil?

The area of Southern California has a lot of soil issues that make it imperative to have an analysis completed prior to the construction of any new structures or systems. A soil test can also be useful if the area around your home or property has undergone a lot of movement/activity that has affected the integrity of the soil or subsurface of your property. Soil testing is a requirement associated with obtaining building permits in many areas. It can also be required by your lender. If you are wondering if you need soil testing, it makes sense to check with a soil engineering consultant prior to purchasing or building in high-risk areas.

Contact G3 Soilworks and maximize the productivity and profitability of your projects in Southern California by supporting it with our geotechnical and geological experience.

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G3SoilWorks – a full service geotechnical / engineering geologic consulting firm, is pleased to reach our third year. It has come with many interesting clients, assignments and obstacles.

350 Fischer Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Tel. 714.668.5600
E. info@g3soilworks.com