Mine reclamation is a process by which surface mining’s adverse environmental effects and controlled and mined lands are given a beneficial end-use. A mine reclamation plan can be put in place which details how the mine will be restored. These plans must be made early to ensure that the surface mine reclamation meets legal obligations.
Once mining has been completed, mine reclamation does happen naturally. However, mine reclamation activities are planned before the mine is permitted to help create useful landscapes. These landscapes can meet environmental goals, such as restoring ecosystems and creating municipal resources. When mining ends, operators must restore the mine area to its approximate original contour or leave the land suitable for different use.
Before 1977 there were no federal laws that regulated surface mining. In 1977, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act were put into place. This law established guidelines for coal mines that regulate their environmental impacts. Under this law, before operators can receive a mining permit, they must provide a comprehensive plan for how the land will be reclaimed when the mine is closed.
Current legal obligations state that mines should be designed for closure. This means that closure plans with financial securities may be needed as permit conditions. To implement a closure plan, information needs to be provided, such as construction drawings, engineering studies, contract management, testing, and completion of design-build packages.
This plan must include the land’s pre-mining condition, how the land will be used after reclamation, how long this will take, and how water and air quality laws will be followed.
At G3SoilWorks, we perform environmental assessments that allow us to outline the necessary steps needed to achieve an effective resource rescue operation. We can formulate and assist with the protection of natural spaces and help to minimize environmental impacts.
Our team will draw up natural habitat restoration and revegetation plans to help with the design of irrigation and land redevelopment. We can also assist with managing waste recycling and disposal, allowing you to achieve your environmental goals.
Contact us and maximize the productivity and profitability of your projects in Southern California by supporting it with our geotechnical and geological experience.
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G3SoilWorks – a full service geotechnical / engineering geologic consulting firm, is pleased to reach our third year. It has come with many interesting clients, assignments and obstacles.
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E. info@g3soilworks.com