Construction projects are highly sensitive because they need to ensure the resulting buildings are safe for people and surrounding structures. Therefore, a geotechnical site investigation is conducted to verify the status of the soil. This report is essential before building foundations on the ground. As a result, geotechnical site investigation has gained importance in today’s world. These investigations can be as simple as visual assessment of soil and be as complex as computer-aid studies.
The purpose of a geotechnical site investigation is to provide a detailed report to the construction company before they start their work. This report investigates soil and geological conditions of land and provides design criteria and recommendations to construction workers. It’s the land blueprint on which the architect designs the actual blueprint of the infrastructure.
The scope of geotechnical site investigation involves collecting soil samples, running lab tests, researching available literature, mapping/logging, and conducting on-site reviews. The collected data from these studies are used for site grading, retaining walls, site drainage, and building foundations.
Importance of Geotechnical Site Investigation
It’s essential to conduct a thorough geotechnical site investigation before construction can begin. There are several reasons for doing so.
Construction commercial or residential projects of unverified land can pose several risks. Moreover, it can lead to a disaster if the ground beneath the heavy structure isn’t strong enough to sustain a heavy load. In addition, geotechnical site investigation recommends the ideal depth of the foundation to provide the necessary strength for an infrastructure’s survival.
This increases the importance of geotechnical site investigation because if there are any problems with the land, you can bring them to light beforehand. Moreover, geotechnical consultants can work with the construction company to develop viable solutions to avoid construction risks. Ideal solutions include design alteration, different materials, or finding a new suitable location.
Geotechnical investigations can reduce the cost of repair and loss of material you might face if the weak soil cracks and your project comes tumbling down. Moreover, if treating the soil can fix the land, several landowners will pool finances for soil treatment. As a result, a single construction company won’t bear a hefty cost.
A site investigation can clarify the status of soil in terms of its strength in sustaining heavy infrastructural load. Moreover, the site reports can help determine which material to use in the construction process. Some materials might perform better than others, and cracks won’t appear long after construction. A site investigation prevents unprecedented disasters and reduces the cost of maintenance.
Geotechnical site investigation is necessary for the reasons mentioned above. However, this investigation is also crucial for the residents living and working in the structure. Therefore, hiring the best geotechnical engineering service is in your interest.
Contact G3 SoilWorks and maximize the productivity and profitability of your projects in Southern California by supporting them with our geotechnical and geological expertise.
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G3Soilworks – a full service geotechnical/ engineering geologic consulting firm serving clients since 2009 and delivering expert solutions with our highly experienced team and specialized consultants.
350 Fischer Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel. 714.668.5600