It wasn’t just a deep love of earth sciences that Steve Strickler and Larry Fanning shared when beginning their professional relationship at Neblett & Associates in early 2003. Their passion for uncovering the truth would eventually set the foundation for establishing SoilWorks in 2009. Before working with Steve, Larry had served on multiple California State Boards for geology and regularly contributed his experience to high-profile projects, including determining the cause of a freeway collapse following the Northridge earthquake. Steve’s experience founding Neblett & Associates, coupled with 26 years of geotechnical engineering experience throughout the vast landscapes of California, helped form their passion for geology into one of the most trusted Geotech, GeoForensic and Groundwater Resource Management firms in the nation.
When Larry and Steve established their firm in 2009, their goal was to create a company that utilized all information available before making any assumptions or determining solutions. This unique G3 method has set them apart from other geotech firms in the region. Whether they are providing due diligence for an earthworks project, researching groundwater for a multi-million dollar land purchase, or supplying expert witness during litigation, G3SoilWorks approaches each project with an open mind and a desire to see the “big picture” before getting into the “deep and dirty” of a project. The results save money, time, and resources for their clients. Because of this approach, G3’s full service geotechnical, environmental, and engineering geological consulting firm regularly works with some of the most high-profile companies on the West Coast and across the globe.
G3SoilWorks offices are located in Irvine, but due to their commitment to truly understanding structural geology, their team has been asked to provide expert opinion on projects all over the world: from Africa, to New Zealand, to locations in Mexico. G3’s experience extends to outlying desert, mountain, coastal, and urban infill terrains across the US and globe.
Over the years it became clear that the name SoilWorks did not communicate their full breadth of services, and in 2014 Larry and Steve updated their name to G3SoilWorks to incorporate their expertise in GeoTech, GeoForensics, and Groundwater. G3’s fearless approach to finding the truth has provided their geologists, engineers, and technicians’ opportunities to excel at challenging projects and in difficult locations. G3 founder, Steve Strickler explains, “The G3 method is the only way we’ve found to be effective. And it works every time.”
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G3SoilWorks – a full service geotechnical / engineering geologic consulting firm, is pleased to reach our third year. It has come with many interesting clients, assignments and obstacles.
350 Fischer Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel. 714.668.5600